The Biography of Imam Ahmad bin Hanble

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Overview: The Biography of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal

"The Biography of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal" is an elaborate examination of the life of one of the most esteemed figures in Islamic history. Published by Darussalam, it provides a thorough understanding of the Imam's life, his scholarly pursuits, and his unwavering dedication to the Islamic faith.


The book investigates the following major areas of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal's life:

  • His name and lineage
  • His wives and family
  • His expertise in the Arabic Language
  • His insightful lectures
  • His devotion to the Sunnah
  • His virtuous character and piety
  • Public admiration for his intellect and character
  • His prayerful devotion and deep trust in Allah
  • His eventual passing
  • Imam's Resilience

The biography highlights Imam Ahmad's steadfastness during the Mihnah (the Inquisition), a definitive period in the history of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, comparable only to the fortitude displayed by Abu Bakr as-Siddiq during the time of apostasy.

Praise for the Imam

Tributes from Islamic scholars like Imam 'Ali ibn al-Madini and Imam ash-Shafi'i are documented in the biography, depicting their high regard for Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal's wisdom and knowledge.

Author Bio

Darussalam is a leading global publisher and distributor of Islamic books, renowned for its mission of serving the global Muslim community by introducing exemplary Islamic works. The meticulously researched, authentic, and comprehensive works by "Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood" are highly valued within the Islamic scholarly community. The publisher's diligence in producing "The Biography of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal" provides readers a substantive exposure to the Imam's life and his significant contributions to the Islamic faith and culture.


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