Pen Quran

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The new pen Quran by Dar ul Qalam publishers is an innovative device that allows readers to listen to a digital voice over by using the pen on the provided book. A perfect device for young children, learning to recite in Arabic. Suitable for all readers and a great way to improve your Arabic recitation and to learn the Quran.

The pack contains 10 books to use the pen with.

  • The Biography of the Holy Prophet PBUH with Quiz
  • Stories of the Prophets with Quiz
  • Hayatus Sahabah with Quiz
  • General Knowledge on the Holy Quran with Quiz
  • Pillars of Islam with Quiz
  • Qaida Noorani
  • Sahih Bukhari
  • Sahih Muslim
  • Riyad us Saliheen
  • Talking Dictionary


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