Mingling between Men and Women is Prohibited

Soft, 9789960861470, Darussalam, Darussalam Research Center, english, 22, 12x17
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Overview of Book and Author

Delve into the world of Islamic gender relations with "Mingling Between Men And Women Is Prohibited" by Abdul Malik Mujahid. This thought-provoking book explores the Islamic perspective on modesty, privacy, and respect between genders.

"Mingling Between Men And Women Is Prohibited" by Abdul Malik Mujahid is a thought-provoking book that explores the Islamic perspective on gender interactions and relationships. This book delves into the teachings of the Quran and Hadith to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Islamic view on modesty, privacy, and respect between genders. 

The author argues that mingling between men and women is prohibited in Islam to maintain purity, and chastity, and avoid temptation. He provides numerous examples from the Quran and Hadith to support his claim, emphasizing the importance of maintaining appropriate boundaries and respecting each other's privacy.

Written in a clear and accessible style, "Mingling Between Men And Women Is Prohibited" is an essential read for anyone interested in Islamic studies, gender relations, or simply seeking to understand the Islamic perspective on this important topic.

  • Discover the teachings of the Quran and Hadith on gender interactions
  • Learn about the importance of maintaining appropriate boundaries
  • Address common misconceptions about gender relations in Islam
  • Encourage readers to adopt a more respectful and modest lifestyle


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