It is a matter of fact that adherents of each religion call others to it and believes that truth only abides in their religion. It is also a fact that adherents of each belief call others to follow their leader and extol him. As for Muslim, he does not call people to follow his ideology. His religion is the religion of Allah with which He is pleased. Allah says: `Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam.`
A Muslim rather calls people to follow the path of their Lord, to believe in His Messengers and follow His Law which He revealed to the last of His Messengers Muhammad (PBUH) and which He commanded him to convey to all mankind. By Allah! No human being can have real happiness except through this religion and none can have rest of mind except by believing that Allah is the only Lord (worthy of worship), that Muhammad is His Messenger and that Islam is the only acceptable religion of Allah.
All praise is due to Allah firstly and lastly, outwardly and inwardly. All praise is due to Him publicly and secretly. All praise is due to Him in the beginning and the end. All praise is due to him as much as can fill the heavens and the earth and whatever else that Our Lord may wish. May Allah bestow peace and much blessing on our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) his Companions and all those who follow his path till the day of reckoning
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