History of Islam 3 Volume Set

Hard, 9789960892887, Darussalam, Akber Shah Najeebabadi, english, 640, 14x21
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2.3 kg
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Book Overview:  

The "History of Islam 3 Volume Set" is a comprehensive work by Akber Shah Najeebabadi that narrates the grand saga of the Islamic civilization. Spanning 640 pages, this trilogy provides an in-depth look into the political, social, and spiritual milestones of the Muslim Ummah from its genesis to the heights of its empires. It seeks to offer English-speaking readers accurate representation free from the biases often found in Western narratives about Islam's storied past.

Author Bio:  

Akber Shah Najeebabadi was an eminent Muslim historian dedicated to portraying the history of Islam with authenticity and academic integrity. His writing aims to correct misconceptions and provide a balanced version of history from an Islamic viewpoint. Najeebabadi's works are crucial for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, as they offer a comprehensive and factual depiction of the Islamic world's contributions to global heritage. His scholarship is characterized by a passion for enlightening readers about the truth of Islamic civilization's achievements and challenges.


Main Features:  

  • A meticulously researched trilogy presenting pivotal moments in Islamic history.
  • Consists of factual events and analysis, providing insights into the causes and effects that shaped Muslim history.
  • Hardcover bindings for each volume ensure longevity and durability for frequent use.
  • Authored in English, making valuable historical knowledge accessible to a wide audience.
  • Brought forth by a Muslim historian, offering a perspective from within the culture and religion.


Imaad al-Hashim
A masterful compendium of Islamic history presented with scholarly rigor.
The 'History of Islam 3 Volume Set' is an extraordinary work that charts the expansive terrain of Islamic history with rich detail and academic precision. It's a treasure trove for those seeking in-depth knowledge of the Muslim world’s legacy, and it’s written in a style that is both informative and captivating.
Lina Quraishi
Insightful yet calls for a more reader-friendly structure.
Deeply insightful and informative, this series provides a robust framework for understanding Islamic history. While the scholarship is commendable, a chronological flow would greatly enhance its accessibility. It’s a recommended read for serious students of Islamic history.
Ayesha Siddiqi
A reservoir of knowledge, slightly dense for the casual reader.
The series is a dense compilation that serves as an exhaustive study of Islamic history. The depth of information is impressive, though the narrative’s academic tone may pose a challenge for the casual reader. Excellent for those with a profound interest in Islamic heritage.
Noura Al Abed
Informatively heavy, a summarized version for beginners would be ideal.
A dedicated work that's evidently a product of exhaustive research, offering much to those familiar with Islamic history. As a newcomer, I found it rich yet somewhat overwhelming. A more concise edition could help bridge the gap for those with initial curiosity about the subject.
Hassan Mirza
Impeccably researched, missing cultural nuances of Islam's golden era.
For academics and history enthusiasts, the 'History of Islam 3 Volume Set' is incredibly valuable, painting a detailed picture of Islamic historical developments. Adding more about the scientific and cultural contributions during Islam’s golden age would make it unparalleled.
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