Dar Us Sunnah

The renowned and eminent scholar, Ibn al-Jawzī penned this emotive book upon witnessing disregard and neglect some of the youth in his time had for their parents and kin, and not regarding it to be a necessary part of religion. He therefore felt the need to compile a short tract on these obligations so that the unaware may take heed and reassess the shortfalls in regards to their own obligations. He arranged it into seamless chapters touching on divine basis for being dutiful to parents
and enjoining ties of kinship. This English rendering of Ibn al-Jawzī’s ‘Birrul Wālidayn’ will assuredly lead to marked positive realignment of our own relationships with our parents and families.

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"There are those who submit to Allah’s orders and achieve success. Others are wasteful of time and thereby suffer loss and regret. Whoever lives his life in accordance with Allah’s commands, will be rewarded handsomely with multiplied profits beyond imagination. The corrupt one who acts contrarily to Divine Pleasure will be destroyed.
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In the Quran, Allah has revealed the intrigues of the hypocrites, He has unveiled their qualities and beliefs, and made their goals clear so that the believers can be aware of them and ward their characteristics off from themselves. He divided mankind into three groups in the beginning of Surat al-Bagarah: The believer, the disbeliever, and the hypocrite. In it, there are four verses concerning the believers, two concerning the disbelievers, and thirteen verses concerning the hypocrites.
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"In this notable work, the renowned author provides essential detail in discussing key points dealing with differences that arise between the People of Sunnah, and the manners and etiquette one should acquire when differing occurs. He beautifully illustrates the difference between advising that is encouraged, and shaming that is not permitted - two topics that often become tangled and misunderstood. The author thus explains the characteristics of sincere advice and censure with a depth of clarity that will no doubt bring benefit to all, particularly those involved in active dawah.
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The life of a believer is one of struggle and toil in order to cleanse the soul and to work towards righteous actions and deeds, which are pleasing to our Lord, Allah, the Most High. For this reason disciplining oneself is of utmost importance in order to achieve the spiritual growth that every soul requires. The inner fight against the self takes place in every human being daily, however only the sincere and powerful will do away with such impulses and attacks and will overcome the forces of desire. Just like food, drink and clothes are a necessity for the human being, so too is the need to discipline the soul and rectify the flaws of the self.
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The author addresses many spiritual diseases – such as envy, greed, uncontrolled lust, sexual desire, arrogance, gluttony, anger, stinginess, extravagance, vanity and attachment to this world. He also discusses the qualities that the seeker of God must acquire – such as love, self discipline, humility, self-criticism, improvement of character, patience and truthfulness. In a simple yet effective way he shows the wayfarers how to cure their spiritual diseases and acquire the necessary qualities for their journey to Allah.
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"Hell is the final abode prepared by Allah, the Most High for those do not believe in Him, those who transgress against His Laws and deny His Messengers. It epitomises the scourge of punishment, filled with indescribable torment, pain and grief that has been detailed by Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

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"In this short yet substantial tract of Ibm Al-Qayyim, he pens a message of heartfelt advice and appreciation to a friend of his by the name of Ala' Al Din; invoking Allah's Kindness, Guidance and Blessings upon him.
Within this translation of 'Risalatu Ibn Al-Qayyim ila' Ahadi Ikhwänihi, the author explains the finer points of having a need in secking Allah's Guidance in all our affairs and the means to persist upon the Straight Path.
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This is a treatise we have written concerning humility (Khush) and the hearts meekriess and breaking (inkisar) before the Lord.
The basic meaning of Khush', is the softness of the heart, its being gentle, still, submissive, broken, and yearning. When the heart is humble, so too is the hearing, seeing, head, and face; indeed all the limbs and their actions are humbled, even speech. This is why the Prophet (W) would say in his bowing (ruku), "My hearing, sight, bones, and marrow are humbled to You," another narration has,"and whatever my foot carries.
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Prayer is a fundamental act of worship every Muslim strives to prefect, and it is the first thing about which Allah will question mankind on the Day of Judgment. It is the domain of tranquillity for the devote and the coolness of their eyes. It is the garden of the worshipers, and the test of the sincere ones. It is truly a divine Mercy that Allah has gifted His believing servants with, honoured and dignified them to seek His nearness through it.
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A child is a priceless trust from Allah, and raising children is no doubt among the most momentous events in our lives. Such obligation requires parents to learn, experience and adopt a steadfast and anticipatory approach to nurturing, with the aim of elevating standards of their family, their community and the ummah as a whole. This book plays a part in that journey as a guide for the newly initiated parents.
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"There are a numerous verses in the Noble Qur’an by which Allah, the Most High, brings greater clarity and insight when explaining things to mankind. This is done through the use of deep and meaningful parables that are clear for human intellect to comprehend, ponder over and understand the message of the Qur’an.
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